
By: Chris

You’ve heard the call…now what? You’ve come to the place in your Christian walk where the Lord has given you eyes to “see” what is taking place in the Institutional Church, and you are being called out, so now what? Find strength, hope, and encouragement in the wilderness from fellow remnant believers who, like you, have fled the Harlot Church and are navigating the deception of modern Babylon. You’re not alone, join us at https://called-out.com/

Meet your hosts:

Chris Ardern
I’m Chris Ardern, I’m 53 years old and I first encountered Jesus when I was in my early 20′s. I was brought up in a religious home but no true conversion. I had a radical Born Again experience truly repenting and surrendering my life to Christ. My friend Kip prayed and witnessed to me and it all came to a head when he told me “Narrow is the Gate”. I had never heard that. It was the verse the Lord used to pierce my heart. I lived sanctified for about 2 years, really studied the word hiding it in my heart. Much of this I received from pre-apostate John MacArthur and Grace Community Church. Read the rest here……..

Cindy Arevalo
I live in Oregon and have most of my adult life, excluding three years I spent in Jamaica as a missionary. I have two grown children, an adult stepson and two nine year olds. I am a stay at home mom and homeschooler. As a young mom of age twenty-one I believed I had been saved when I raised my hand at a Calvary Chapel Church to “accept Jesus into my heart”. I spent the next 30 years attending many Churches as well as serving off and on in missions. In Jan, 2010 I heard God call me to fast from every voice but his for 3 months. This included any and all teaching by man, so I stopped attending my Church believing I would go back at the end of the 3 months. God began by showing me that I was not and never had been saved. He showed me that I had no idea of what the Gospel was and He began to teach me himself. He gave me the fear of the Lord, granted me repentance, and by an act of His will, birthed me into the kingdom of heaven. He made it clear I was never to go back to Church again and he began to teach me why. He is still teaching me daily as he continues to open my eyes to all the wonderful truths in his word. Watch Cindy’s video testimony here…….

Loretta Heiden
I was in organized religion for 43 years. After being a religiously devoted but lost practicing Roman Catholic for the first 17 years of my life, Jesus Christ revealed Himself to me in 1985 when He called me by His Spirit to follow Him as I read His words in the Gospel of John. (I received the Bible in the mail by an anonymous sender after praying to God that He would reveal Himself to me.) Everything changed in my life. The Lord called me to be His, and now I had a relationship with Him. I left the RCC and entered the world of Neo-Evangelicalism where I attended a Willowcreek style Modern megachurch for 20 years. After experiencing great distress at the apostacy of Humanism, Pragmatism, Corporate Business model (top-down) organization, false gospels and false teachers that had come in, I fled the megachurch thinking there must be a spiritually safe place somewhere in Christendom. Looking for this last bastion of true Christianity that was not affected by the apostacy, I ended up in a small, traditional, old-fashioned, “Bible teaching” independent Baptist type Church where I stayed for 5 years. The issues here were many and complex, perhaps I will share in a blog post sometime. Basically what happened was I realized that I was striving to please people (at the Church) not living to please Christ. I was becoming (once again) very religious and I was substituting “Church” for Christ Himself. I was serving “Church” and not our Lord Jesus. Combine that with the fact that I realized the leadership was teaching many doctrines of men that I just did not believe in at all! The great spiritual distress of realizing that I was faced with the choice of either living for Institutional Church or living for Christ, became unbearable. I got the call to come out in January 2010 when my husband said to me, “We are done with —–(this Church)”. At that moment, God called me out of the Christianity Church System. God released me and freed me to follow Jesus Christ freely. Now I follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Read testimony here……

7 Responses “About” →

  1. Micheal J Quinlan

    January 29, 2012

    Hi Guys …not to sure if this is how to blog here or not…any way will paste this and you can fill me in…glad to meet you all…Mike:0) Portland Oregon

    Is God Calling You out of Church to come away with Him ?
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    By mikeq107

    8 years ago God (Yes God) led me to leave the organized church as we know it and come away with him into the desert. I asked him for 3 confirmations telling no one. We all know everyone has an opinion :0). I received my confirmations and ventured into the unknown with God.

    Boy was I judged and called backslider etc by those who supposedly loved me In Jesus name…It was sad and hard at first but exciting a whole new adventure were I was not in control.

    Daring to live on the edge were Jesus lives’ to boldly go where most Christians long to go, but because we have seen too many examples of our Brothers being shot down, we listen to man and not God…Fear of your neighbor is a terrible thing…but a holy healthy fear of your heavenly father is a powerful way to live.

    Over the past 20 years I have only met a hand full of people who were thoroughly passionate about God, the vast majority have a knowledge of him or are more concerned about their status before others or telling other Christians how they should live their lives or building their own kingdoms and bringing converts into the same bondage as themselves.

    In short I believe God brought me to this country to teach me how to love the lost sheep of his flock and it has been very hard class to take! Many times I have wanted to quit. But as I slowly progress and gain his understanding of unconditional love I gain understanding of how he feels by the churches rejection of his love.

    Over the next 8 years I had more fellowship than I had in all the 14 odd years of churches I attended. Truth be told I was bored to death in church, It was like I was dying inside spiritually and my spirit needed to be fed…the more I cried out to God I felt his heart for a people that had chosen to go their own way. Everything looked right but inside no real life existed.

    I knew I was not the only one and I know there are 1000`s more God has called out into the desert to be wooed by HIM: 0)

    When you look at it biblically all the people who wanted more of God spent long times alone with Him, being broken, engineered, rebuilt. Their ministries destroyed and his plan being restored in their hearts….Moses…David….Joseph…Paul…to name but a few :0)

    God continually sent me Angels and Visions along the way to encourage me…the Following is one instance….It happened in the High desert of Central Oregon on one of many motorcycle trips….

    It was early in the morning I was heading north bound on Highway 97 about 60 miles north of Klamath Falls Oregon. The sky was clear and the temp was in the 90`s and I was doing one of my favorite things….I had been gone for 3 days riding my! 1985 BMW k100 motorcycle…the worlds rolls Royce of bikes 🙂 I have ridden many bikes before, but in my estimation no other bike comes close…those Germans know what they are doing vvvvvvvvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    I had just had breakfast at a roadside cafe and now relaxed and well fed I opened up the throttle and sped north through the morning air of vast high desert of good old Oregon…..I was feeling truly alive , gloriously present. This is living I thought to myself…I wish my dad could see me know living my dream in the US of A…

    As a child growing up in Ireland, I had always dreamt of riding through the desserts of cowboy land ,sleeping under the stars ,now I was riding a wonderful piece of engineering, at last playing in my own westerns!! YAY for me 🙂

    Then a thought came to me…pull over and make a memorial…yes just like that…..Ok God! I will , so I looked for a side road, found one, propped the beamer on the stand , walked down a sandy embankment to a clearing in the high desert pines. (Seven years before I had left Church / organized religion to embarked on a journey of self discovery and had come into a deeper more meaningful relationship with my creator)

    So I looked around for some rocks to make a memorial but could only find wood. That will do I thought and so I knelt down and placed my right hand on the sand and with my left plied the small clump of wood on top. Ok! God what to you want me to say…. the words just flowed out….I told God that the old Michael Quinlan with all his hurts and fears was dead , gone ,the new man was alive , ready to live. So I stood up and felt the most tremendous peace envelope me.

    While this was going on my cell phone rang, it was my friend Sonya. Mike where you…out are in the desert I said….. When are you coming back…don’t know I replied…Hey guess what just happened I said and filled her in …wow she said , we agreed to meet in a few days for tea and hung up.

    I climbed the embankment and feeling like a new man hopped on the beamer and sped north…..wow …that was great I thought reliving the moment, I felt so free….. then it happened! No I did not crash :0)

    … All of a sudden I knew I was not alone and could sense something coming up on the left side of the bike , as I looked the most beautiful vision pulled up and rode alongside of me….It was a golden motorcycle , it looked like a cross between an Indian bike / Harley . Riding it was God , his hair and beard were flowing in the wind and a big grin was on his face..

    Before I could get a word out…He said…Is`NT this great… (I always knew he was with me …but this was so cool…for a kid that always wanted to go riding with his earthly dad ( it had never happened…) this was the ultimate :0) ) Then I had a strong urge to check my right mirror , I saw another bike coming up fast…I recognized the white helmet , the black leathers with red stripes down the arms , the brown bull nose tank of a Kawasaki 750..IT was My DAD..I began to weep uncontrollably (My Dad had died 9yrs ago) he drew up alongside me quickly and Glanced over at me…there was no face in the helmet only his spirit…I felt such unconditional love for him like I had never known before ..The author of many of my troubles in life…I was now loving freely and unshackled from…words can not describe how I truly felt…alive would be an understatement lol..

    Through my tears of joy I kept thinking I have to watch the road. That was some moment! All three of us Riding north on highway 97 on the breathtaking ride of our lives…well mine anyway 🙂

    It seemed like it went on forever or that time stood still , then it was over . I wept all the way to the high desert museum just outside of bend ( manag`ing to keep the bike on the road) had a long rest and reflection on the past couple of hours…a lot more happened on that trip….

    I have many stories but This is written to those of you That have dared to live on the edge and Follow the desire of the spirit …hang in there, it’s well worth it :0) and those of you feeling Gods pull on your heart GO FOR IT!!!!! Loose all for the sake of finding your none religious true self in Him :0)

  2. Hi,
    The problem with leaving the system is a spiritual matter. I’ve just finished writing a book that teaches the importance of the Cross in our daily lives. It’s called, “The Shadow of the Spiritual” and teaches that the Cross is our way of escape from the old man, the world, the false church and the Devil. I believe it will be very beneficial for the care and feeding of the Body of Christ in the days ahead.
    If you want to read it then send me an e-mail at this address and I’ll send you a copy.


    I also have it available on Kindle or Nook if you prefer, though there is a fee for this format.
    In Jesus, Gordon Brownlee

  3. Thank you Gordon, I just sent you an email. ~ Loretta

  4. When someone is called out, it is fasting from the way you were raised in a worldly, Babylonish church.

    “Walls of Jericho Revisited”

    Walls of Jericho Revisited

  5. I write a daily devotional blog. Been doing it for 4 years now, 1,400 posts and counting. Haven’t gone to church in decades, it just never seemed right, more like a club than meeting with God. I spend my mornings writhing, and it has been great. I don’t get any feedback, but I do get confirmation from God all the time that I am on the right track. My teacher is the Lord, and I don’t have men that I have to answer to. I know I can’t change anyone, but God can use my word for whatever use He finds. I have found a few people who are like me, but not many. KenN


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